The National American Bulldog Club Show 2024
A word from David McGregor from the 2024 National Show, of which he was the Host.
As the Host of the SA show at Rapid Bay I would like to take the opportunity to express my heartfelt thanks and appreciation to each and every person who attended the day. This year 2024 I believe we again stepped up and set the bar a little higher for future shows.
The day started warm and windy with minor issues being faced with the temporary fencing for the sprint not being as tough as a bulldog and needed a few repairs. However as the day progressed the wind dropped and the weather was near perfect for the events.. All up over 50 people attended either as competitors or spectators. And Once again the RBCC opened the doors and their hearts and allowed us to use the club facilities and the efforts of Mukka and Coley for the bar and pig on the spit.
Massive thank you to Kris and Max for their support and help in securing the venue for us. This year I want to say a massive congratulations to a young man who became an IronDog registered breeder some time ago. This young man has attended and competed in the 3 shows held in SA and this year he went above and beyond and had 4 of his dogs competing at the show. Dave Maxfield of Explosive kennels is that man. Congratulations on your achievements we are all looking forward to seeing what you bring to the show in 2025. His Bulldog "Hammer" took out best of breed and this is an achievement you should be very proud of. Congratulations to the triple championship winners Badlands Kennels competing with Jackknife Johnny, Miss Ellie and the amazing upcoming Fury from Excalibur American Bulldogs in Tasmania. What an amazing achievement and I’m sure it’s a record that will stand for many many years.
Congratulations to Hazel McGregor in winning the Junior handler trophy but more importantly taking out Junior champion with her bulldog "Key's Robyn Banks". Thank you to Dez for organizing the Irondog Show in collaboration with "The True American Bulldog, Original Club of Australia". Dez, wears many hats in all of this - organizing the show. He created the format 25 years ago and he runs the show on the day. His duties also include but are not limited to: judging events; performing the "Courage Test"; providing trophies and prizes; collaborating on the Show Poster and marketing; contacting attendees; arranging a Judge for the day (this time Steve of Flicka fame); arranging sponsors (of which he himself is very generous); writing the blog for the show and many more activities. Thank you to the helpers (especially Mukka and Coley for the dinner and bar), time keepers, and patrons who took video and pictures for us.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the love, help and support you have shown the "IronDog Crew" See you in 2025

"Winners are Grinners"

The National American Bulldog Club Show
A word from David McGregor (Host of the 2023 National Show)
Hello Bulldoggers. As host of the recent IronDog National show. I would like to take the opportunity to thank everyone who attended, helped and supported this show. That includes many of those who couldn’t attend due to distance, work commitments health and other things. But who were on board to make this a great show. Jimmy McDonald and Amelia Viney to name but a couple of legends. Some important thank you’s go to a few others who are not members of our bulldog community. But members of the community who opened their hearts and time to make this day bloody awesome. Those thanks go to Max and the whole committee of the Rapid Bay cricket club who enabled the amazing days venue! Special mention to Dean West (Mukka, barman) Ian Cole (Chef extraordinaire) Thanks and appreciation to all that traveled to the venue and I hope that we can return and make 2024 even bigger and better.
Held in November 2023 in South Australia at Rapid Bay
A ripper day with perfect conditions at a picturesque location - The Rapid Bay Cricket Club in South Australia saw an attendance of 30 people. We could have had as many as 20 Bulldogs and 40+ people if every one came who had booked in. But 30 was double that of the previous years inaugural event where only the faithful gathered in storm conditions. All 5 events were contested with 5 Bulldogs competing for the Championship. Nine Bulldogs competed in all, handled by 15 competitors. 25 prizes were awarded and as usual at Irondog Shows almost everyone went home a winner. A feature this year was the kids carrying their weight in the various events and prizes were awarded for best Junior Handler and best Junior Handlers (Hazel McGregor and The Family Key respectively with Dave Maxfields son getting 1st runner up). Below is David McGregor (Nitro Kennels) who hosted the Show for Irondog and also provided the equipment necessary to run the Courage Test not to mention the lovely lamb for the post show feast (free for all show competitors and members attending). He set out to raise the bar - and he did! What a fantastic day turning back the clock to the "good ol days". David also known as "Judge Dread" - living legend. Featured also is Bluey @ Keys Kennel who brought home some awards (a new acquisition of Keys Kennel) with a litter coming up! Thank you to Vanguard Kennels for producing our marvelous Show Poster.

I want to thank David McGregor who did an outstanding job hosting the show for the Club. The venue was setup perfectly on the day, with military precision and the catering was on time and just brilliant. An open bar, roast lamb and veggies donated by David and a great salad from Andrew and Beth. The catering staff did a good job. The show ran like clockwork and we were all done in the four hours as per the schedule 12.00-4.00. A big thank you to those who traveled for hours to compete such as Dave Maxfield (Explosive Bulldogs) and Sam Key and Co. Most Bulldoggers stayed for the presentation though not everyone could fit in the club house at the same time.
Main results (28 prizes awarded in all)
Bulldog Legends Trophy Winner, Amelia Viney
So Show Trophy Winner, Badlands Sch Jack Knife Johnny (Andrew competing)
Best Handlers Trophy Winner. The Family Key
Best Handler Trophy Winner. Hazel McGregor
Courage Test Medal Winner, Explosive Kennels Miss Elle (Beth and Hazel competing)
Obedience Event Medal Winner, Explosive Kennels Miss Elle (Hazel competing)
Sprint Event Medal Winner, Nitro American Bulldogs Sabre (Jayden Hall)
5k Endurance Run Medal Winner Nitro American Bulldogs Sabre (Jayden Hall)
Confirmation Event Medal Winner "Best of Breed"Nitro American Bulldogs Ruger (Mark Phillips and Sonya Dollard)
Miss Elle Best Female American Bulldog, Ruger Best Male American Bulldog.
Meanest Bulldog Medal Winner, AUB's Tornado (Handled by Sam Key)
Many other ribbons were awarded for the First, Second and Third runners up in each event.

It's a credit to those Bulldoggers in South Australia that every Bulldog passed the "Courage Test". Where the Bulldog has to step up and protect their owner from the threats of the honorable scalawag (me). Bravery is The Most Important quality of the Bulldog. Below are some great shots of the Courage Test in live action. And we must note that Hazel McGregor was competing with Badland Kennels (Andrew and Beth) Miss Elle, bred by Explosive Bulldogs (Dave Maxfield). Miss Elle won the Protection Event for the second year running. Dave Maxfield is a Champion and his boy was a great competitor also. Such an impressive young man with a lovely, supportive wife and family. Check out Explosive's Tina - the little pocket rocket brindle who is THE REAL DEAL. Forget the equipment, she tried to get me.... Love it and Miss Elle she got plus one in the Courage Test for intensity. I had her on the sleeve and let me tell you that girl will save your life & yet totally safe & approachable for the rest of the show - a model citizen. She has the correct temperament for a Bulldog. Produced by both Nature and Nurture. Demonstrating the quality of this breeding is Beth, from Badlands Kennel and young Hazel McGregor - you've really got something there David - little ripper!

Above Bluey@Keys Kennel won best Johnson Bulldog. It was a fairly hot day and the endurance run tested a few of the Bulldogs. The location had plenty of tall trees giving much needed shade to Bulldog and Man alike between events. Below is Nitro Sabre, the winner of the Sprint and Endurance events. Ruger was second. Below Sabre is with Ruger.
Below the winner of the "Meanest Bulldog"medal. This is always a popular part of the Show. And the meanest Bulldog is chosen by popular vote. And the vote went to "Saw" from Keys Kennel a 67 kg Goliath bred by Aaron Peddler.
David McGregor's Nitro Ruger won the Exhibition event, and was Best of Breed. Look at those hips and chest. He was bounding around the oval effortlessly in the Endurance event and was First Runner Up in The Sprint Event. Only beaten by a couple hundreds of a second. And Ruger is 100% old school blood preserved in a sleepy hollow in SA. A True PJ Performance Johnson bred Bulldog.

The Show Champions
Badlands Kennels. Andrew and Beth with Jack Knife Johnny. The Best all round Bulldog over the 5 events of Irondog 2023. The Runner up was Tina, from Explosive Kennels -Dave Maxfield Congratulations to these guys who fight to preserve the real American Bulldog, The Bulldog of History! Who's number one defining quality is not fancy colors or tipping the scales - its simply gameness!
"Quality Bulldogs, Quality Breeders and Quality People, I'm a big fan of these guys" Dez Bulldog-Man Auld

Andrew and Beth from Badlands Kennels
supported with Training
Troy from Adelaide Protection Dogs.
(Troy has trained the Show Champions in SA for 2 years running and we recommend him.)

The Irondog Legends Trophy

What a Legend is Jimmy McDonald. A big thank you to Jimmy who made the show possible with his generous donation. Jimmy was inspired to celebrate Bulldogs with a Trophy at each National Show and an annual competition for the best bulldog story. This years winner is Amelia Viney (who didn't quite make it to the show because of car trouble - and missed the boat from Tassy). So I am posting the Story of The National show is SA on your birthday Jimmy. Happy Birthday from all us Bulldoggers and Bulldogs and thank you for making the show possible.
Amelia's amazing story of "Healing by Bulldog" is featured in the Club Yearbook due out finally sometime this year after many delays and delayed contributions by many. Jimmy's brainstorm was to honor both Bulldog owners and Bulldogs with a Trophy commemorating them. A photo of Jimmy's favorite and famous dog Oscars Golden Boy appears on the right of the Trophy and on the left Amelia Viney's first Bulldog (different each year). Actual color photo plates feature on the sides of the trophy.
Amelia Viney is actually a Champ Champ taking out the show in Tassy with some pictures below with "His Boofness" Tobias @ Excalibur American Bulldogs who is Jch (Junior Champion) bred by Murphy's Bulldogs in Victoria. She also won some events with Bellatrix from Grand Georgia Giants.
The last pic is me n Black Betty (Meanest Bulldog)

"Wrapping it up"
So in conclusion we had a great day and almost every one stayed for the presentation, celebration and Spit Roast Feast. We look forward to seeing everyone in another 10 months. Bring your Bulldogs, bring your families and have a great time. Come and strut your stuff. and help preserve the Real American Bulldog with The Irondog Breed Test. You gotta be in it to win it, and there will be another 25 Trophies, Medals, Corsages, and Ribbons to be won! Godbless and I hope to see you all there. Yours sincerely Dez Bulldog-Man Auld.

And yes tell your friends about all the fun we had celebrating
The Best dog in The World. The American Bulldog! and Happy Birthday Jimmy! Thank you for your generous gift that enabled us to run the show and promote the Bulldogs.
Well that's the way it was in 2023. Thank you for taking the time to read about our show. And one last thank you to my Family for giving me a love of Bulldogs and Gamedogs. A last couple of pics of me andmy family with Bulldogs.